Welcome to the URE Los Angeles Print Portal. New print products will be added here regularly. Below you will find options for Real Estate Postcards (both mailed and print only)

Direct Mail Postcard
Direct mail is a method of bulk mail designed to help businesses deploy promotions and advertisements to a targeted list. Customers can provide whatever targeted list (minimum 250 pieces) and we do the rest!
Benefits of Direct Mail
- Reach customers at home. Get messages, sales and promotions directly into the hands of your target consumer.
- Target whatever list you’d like.
- Flexible size ranges.
- Full service solution. Ordering online is simple. We even take care of the bundling, paperwork and delivery to the USPS.
Minimum turnaround time for direct mail orders is 10 business days. The 10 business day turnaround includes Print, Processing, and delivery time to Local USPS Location
What’s included in your price: ♦ Printing ♦ Bundling ♦ USPS Paperwork ♦ Delivery to USPS ♦ Bulk Mail Postage

EDDM Postcard (Every Door Direct Mail)
What is EDDM?
EDDM stands for “Every Door Direct Mail.” Designed to help businesses deploy promotions and advertisements to a targeted area, this U.S. Postal Service program allows the customer to have their mailer hand delivered to every mailbox along chosen routes. EDDM is a cost effective alternative to traditional direct mail that allows you to saturate the market and promote to every household or business in a desired geography.
Benefits of EDDM
- Reach customers at home. Get messages, sales and promotions directly into the hands of your target consumer.
- No more mailing lists. Let the USPS do the work of creating precise lists to saturate specific areas, saving you the hassle and cost of generating your own.
- Flexible size ranges. Choose from our diverse selection of size and finishing options that fit into the USPS’s EDDM restrictions for virtually endless marketing possibilities.
- Full service solution. Ordering online is simple. We even take care of the bundling, paperwork and delivery to the USPS.
Our Full Service EDDM solution takes the guess work out of the EDDM process. Simply select your routes, choose the size of your mailer then upload artwork. We’ll take care of the paperwork and delivery.
Minimum turnaround time for Full Service EDDM orders is 12 days. The 12 day turnaround includes Print, EDDM Processing, and delivery time to Local USPS Location
What’s included in your price: ♦ Printing ♦ Bundling ♦ USPS Paperwork ♦ Delivery to USPS ♦ EDDM Discounted Postage

Postcards Next Day Turn Around
Postcards come in a wide variety of sizes and on a broad range of heavier substrates. Different coating choices and optional rounded corners add to your unique design and can help make your brand stand out.

Post Cards
Postcards come in a wide variety of sizes and on a broad range of heavier substrates. Different coating choices and optional rounded corners add to your unique design and can help make your brand stand out.
Should you need assistance making changes to your file or designing your cards, please place your order and a customer service representative will contact you for an estimated cost. Minimum changes fees may apply ($15 for basic changes under 5 minutes of prepress time) and custom designs are quoted per hour ($50 per hour)
Mailing Options
How are you planning to distribute your postcards? Mailing them yourself takes time – so the question is how much do you value your time at? Let us take the time and confusion out of mailing. Our dedicated staff can handle everything from A to Z. You give us the files, let us know who you’d like to have receive your postcard, and we’ll do the rest.
We have two mailing services – EDDM and Direct Mail. Direct mail is a service that many businesses are familiar with. You can provide us with your targeted Excel mailing list and we will print the addresses on each postcard, presort them and deliver to the post office with either Bulk Mail or First Class postage. EDDM, on the other hand, you do not need a list for. Instead, you can use our website to choose USPS mail carrier routes. We will make sure that every home along this mail route receives a postcard.