Photo Dad Canvas Print

Our high quality stretched canvas wraps are digitally printed at high resolution on semi­gloss canvas material. To ensure the highest quality and precision each canvas is carefully hand wrapped onto MDF stretcher frames.

Free pickup is available in Duarte, CA or we can ship them.


Turn around time is 2-3 business days based on a 1:00PM PST file submission cutoff.  Orders received after 1:00 PM PST will go into the following business day.  Turn around times are for production only, not for shipping.  Please note – if your product is time sensitive and you are concerned about receiving it in time for your event, please contact us after you have placed your order so that we can notify the production team.

Please note, due to copyright laws, Curo Managed Print Production cannot print any copyrighted or trademarked graphics or content without written permission from the verified copyright holder.

Additional information

Dimensions 18 × 24 × .75 in