An important message from the CEO regarding Memorial Day and Paper Shortages
This weekend, across the United States, families will be taking vacations, holding barbecue’s, spending time with family and enjoying a nice three day weekend. It is important that we remember why we are blessed to be able to spend this time. This Monday is Memorial Day – and yes, Curo will be closed for the day. Like many American holidays, sometimes we forget what we are celebrating. Memorial day is a day dedicated to honoring those Americans who died while serving in the armed forces. They died protecting our freedom and our ability to spend a weekend relaxing and spending time with family. They gave the ultimate sacrifice for us so as you enjoy this weekend, please take a moment of reflection, gratitude and remembrance for those who we have lost and all that we have because of them.
2022 marks the 7th year that Curo Managed Print Production will have been in business. We are blessed to have some of the most amazing customers. Right now we need your help. The print industry has been struggling with an unprecedented paper shortage. There are a number of reasons that have compounded upon each other over time. The result is that print shops are struggling to maintain stock – including us.
So what do we need your help with? First and foremost – please plan ahead. I know that we’ve become the go-to printer that many of you rely on for those last minute print jobs with very tight turnarounds. And I take great pride in having been able to meet that need. But we are at a point where we can not guarantee the ability to produce rush jobs. So please let us know ahead of time if you have a large project coming. Our network of vendors are all in the same position and are sending out disclaimers that turnaround times are estimates, not guarantees. Some of our orders are time sensitive, dated material and others are not. We will be utilizing all of the information that we have as we balance our production schedules so if you have a hard deadline, please communicate it. Second, please be patient. We will do our best to communicate with you, use substitute papers when needed and to still meet and exceed your printing expectations.
We weathered a pandemic and quietly celebrated our 5 year anniversary in times when other print shops were closing their doors for good. I am confident that we will weather this storm as well because we have something that our competition doesn’t have – some of the best customers out there. We are so incredibly grateful for each and every one of you and the trust that you place with us with each order. We are in uncharted territory here. We will get through this as we have everything else the last couple of years threw at us. Thank you in advance for your understanding and loyalty.
Adam Knight
President and CEO
Curo Managed Print Production